VTuber Kousei Akira Officially Releases His Latest MV Cover, 'Overdose'

The latest cover song from Kousei Akira has been released on Sunday (7/23) evening on YouTube.

VTuber Kousei Akira Officially Releases His Latest MV Cover, 'Overdose'

The following information is available in Indonesian and English, respectively.

Pada hari Minggu (23/7) lalu VTuber Indonesia naungan agensi Nakama Virtual, Kousei Akira resmi meluncurkan video musik cover terbarunya dengan judul "Overdose".

Ini adalah cover song kedua yang telah Kousei Akira rilis sejak pertama kali debut sebagai VTuber pada tahun 2022 lalu. Lagu ini sendiri disadur dari "Overdose" karya musisi Jepang, natori.

Dengarkan cover song "Overdose" dari Kousei Akira melalui pranala berikut.

Lagu "Overdose" sendiri mengisahkan tentang romansa yang terjalin antara dua belah insan yang mulai terjerumus dalam hubungan yang disfungsional. Salah satu diantara pasangan tersebut telah menyadarinya, namun tak mampu menolak lantaran daya tarik sang pasangan yang romantis. Penuh resiko dan pengorbanan, sang pasangan menyadari bahwa apa yang mereka lakukan sejatinya adalah hal yang buruk. Lagu ini sendiri memiliki arti yang cukup tersirat, dimana pasangan tersebut bersedia untuk melakukan apa saja untuk dapat berhubungan, meski akan merasakan banyak penderitaan.

Kousei Akira mengaku suka dengan lagu tersebut, terutama pada nuansa yang disajikan. "Kousei juga tertarik dengan cara natori menunjukkan perasaannya saat melantunkan lagu tersebut," jelasnya.

Meski demikian, VTuber dengan persona Demon tersebut juga mengalami tantangan tersendiri selama proses produksi cover song tersebut. "Pastinya pelafalan karena perbedaan bahasa, ya," jelasnya, "aku juga belum fasih berbahasa Jepang dan juga bagaimana menyanyikan lagu ini dengan perasaan yang serupa layaknya natori".

"Kousei sendiri belum pernah ada dalam posisi hubungan romansa seperti yang ada dalam lagu ini," ujarnya, "sehingga Kousei sendiri perlu mempelajari makna dalam lagu "Overdose" untuk dapat menangkap perasaan yang tampak dari lantunan natori."

Kousei sendiri berharap bahwa para penggemar serta para warganet dapat menikmati cover terbaru darinya. "Kousei juga berharap agar orang-orang yang merasakan hal yang serupa dengan yang ada dalam musik ini untuk terus dapat berkomunikasi serta bersikap toleran untuk menjaga hubungan asmara kalian dengan pasangan," tutur Kousei.

"Also, don't lie to yourself too much!"

Cover song ini diproduksi oleh Nakama Virtual, dengan bantuan ilustrasi dari Naira Putri, penyuntingan visual oleh Nimeaw, dan penataan suara oleh KenForce.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut atau wawancara seputar rilis pers berikut, hubungi Nakama Virtual melalui surel berikut: [email protected] Cc: [email protected].

On Sunday (7/23), Indonesian VTuber under Nakama Virtual agency, Kousei Akira, officially released his latest music video cover titled 'Overdose'.

Listen to the cover song 'Overdose' by Kousei Akira through the following link.

This is the second cover song that Kousei Akira has released since making his debut as a VTuber in 2022. The song itself is originally created by a Japanese musician, named natori.

"Overdose" tells the story of a romance between two individuals who find themselves entangled in a dysfunctional relationship. One of the partners is aware of the situation but unable to resist the romantic allure of the other. Full of risks and sacrifices, they come to realize that what they are doing is inherently wrong. The song carries a profound meaning, depicting how the couple is willing to do anything to stay together, even if it means enduring a great deal of suffering.

Kousei Akira admitted to liking the song, especially the emotions conveyed in it. "Kousei is also intrigued by the way Natori expresses their feelings while singing the song," he explained.

However, the VTuber with the Demon persona also faced its own challenges during the production of the cover song.

"Certainly, there's some pronunciation difficulties due to the language difference. It was a challenge," he explained, "I'm not fluent in Japanese yet, and also, how Kousei trying to sing this song with the same emotions as natori."

"Kousei (himself) has never been in a romantic relationship like the one portrayed in the song," he said, "so Kousei needs to study the meaning behind 'Overdose' to capture the emotions conveyed in natori's (song performance)."

Kousei himself hopes that fans and netizens can enjoy his latest cover. "Kousei also wishes that those who feel a similar connection to the emotions in this music will continue to communicate and practice tolerance to maintain their romantic relationships with their partners," Kousei expressed.

"Also, don't lie to yourself too much!"

This cover song was produced by Nakama Virtual, with illustration assistance from Naira Putri, visual editing by Nimeaw, and sound mixed by KenForce.

For further information or interviews regarding the following press release, please contact Nakama Virtual via the following email: [email protected] Cc: [email protected].