Kousei Akira

Kousei Akira

Kousei Akira is an Oni who works as a butler in his master's mansion.

Starting his debut as a virtual streamer on March 30th 2022, he's one of the four talents from the 2nd Gen of Nakama Virtual.

Kousei Akira are currently streaming on YouTube in Indonesian, and English.


Along with his Mimic Lord, an Oni named Kousei Akira had to escaped from their hiding due to the ambush planned by some 'local adventurer'.

He's now living as a butler for his latest Master in a mansion somewhere on planet Earth, and also able to work as a barista sometimes.

  • Debut Date: March 30th, 2022
  • Birthday Date: September 5th
  • Height: 173cm
  • Illustrator: @Blueriest_P (Twitter) & @yxxrem (Twitter)
  • Rigging: @mine_ia (Twitter)

Social Media

Interact with Kousei Akira today by following his social media today for free!

Link: https://sociabuzz.com/kouseiakira_nakama (Twitter, Youtube, Discord server, and Donation via Sociabuzz)